Jeremy Baldwin

Tell the world where you got your chicken!

About the farmer…
Hugged on three sides by the south fork of the Shenandoah River, Baldwin Farm sits on a patch of land in Rileyville, Virginia. Farmer Jeremy grew up working on his dad Joe’s farm and decided to make it his livelihood. Today he and his dad run the farm together, while his two children Lane and Brooks enjoy interacting with the chickens. Jeremy and Joe joined Farmer Focus because people expressed a desire for healthy organic chicken, and the Baldwins wanted to be part of that.
Jeremy and Joe spend their days walking each chicken house to check on the welfare of the chickens and ensure all equipment is functioning correctly. Each day ends with a tour of the houses to make sure all is well and the birds are happy for the night. Their other tasks include tending to cattle, cleaning out the houses at the end of each flock, and making hay. In his rare spare time, Jeremy enjoys hunting, tractor pulling, fishing, and teaching his boys about the family business.

why farmer focus?
We believe in farming the right way, see what the Farmers Focus difference is.
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